Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New AFO's

Sophie is feeling much better, her IV antibiotics over 5 days definitely did the trick.  The pneumonia seems to have left the building.  We are hoping to resume summer, if only the weather would cooperate!

Over the years Sophie has had a number of AFO's and it was becoming apparent that she was needing a new pair again.  AFO's (ankle foot orthotics) help Sophie in her stander by preventing her ankle from buckling.  It needs to fit like a glove and unfortunately her most recent pair have been causing us problems for a year.  I took Sophie back to the Orthotist to try to get it figured out but she wasn't willing to listen to what I had to say, at all.  In fact she dismissed all my concerns right away.  It was one of those appointments that it was obvious that she felt she knew best because she was the expert.  I was pretty mad by the end of the appointment because I was sure that the issues were going to remain when we came back for the adjusted AFO's, and of course they did.

So like any other smart consumer I let my wallet do the talking and I asked around and found another Orthotist (AFO's cost almost $6000). I am so happy I did.  It wasn't easy to find another place that does these type of customs but I found an old school gentleman that believes that mom can have valid concerns, but not only that, before I even told him the issues we were having with Sophie's current AFO's, he pointed out what he thought would be problems with them and of course it was all the same concerns I had.  Sold.

He pulled out all the plaster and got to work.  He still uses plaster because he feels it gets the best fit, better than the new fangled stuff.  The proof was in the pudding.  He created a leather booty for within the new AFO to keep Sophie's foot safe and comfortable.  No more hard plastic and moving parts that aren't needed that only cut and rub her foot anyway.  The style is totally different and so far it is working much better.  Sophie has been tolerating her new AFO's very well.  A happy Sophie equals a happy mommy.


  1. She is gorgeous!! I love her funky socks :)

    so glad she has new AFO's and you have a new go to guy to get great service.

  2. I am SO glad to hear that Sophie's pneumonia is finally a thing of the past! That was a long bad one. Did they ever test to see the strain? That is great news that you found someone who shares your thoughts and is able to provide you with AFOs that seem to do her better then the old ones. She doesn't seem to be bothered by them.
