Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A new way to see the world

A couple weeks ago I came across a post on a special needs forum that I belong to, it was by another mom looking for a bike trailer down in the States for her special needs child.  Someone suggested a special needs Wike bike trailer and the rest, as they say, is history.

I googled wike bike and kijiji Ontario and BAM, there it was.  Just begging to be bought by me.  A mom in a city an hour or so away from us had posted the exact trailer from the forum, for sale, the day before.  It really was like it was meant to be.  I emailed her the next morning and the day after that my mom and I were off on a road trip.  These trailers are over $1000 new and luckily we paid less than half of that for this used one.  However it looks brand new and the mom I bought it from said she only used it a handful of times.  She was super nice and we spent a few hours at her home chatting with her and her daughter who is older and has very similar needs as Sophie.

This week I managed to rig up Sophie's car seat in the cabin of the trailer and it actually worked quite well.  I will need to give it a little more support, but we could use it as it is if we really wanted to.  We just have to find a suitable helmet for Sophie.

There is plenty of room for Sophie to grow and I am excited for her to join us on our first bike ride as a family.  I haven't ridden my bike in years so I am excited too. 

We just found 2 bikes at garage sales for at the cottage as well, one for Jason (which is now going to be mine because it is too short for him) and one for Lucas.  So hopefully we will be able to take the bike trailer up there at some point as well.


  1. That is pretty neat! Sophie looks like she's enjoying herself too. I bet it will be nice for her to join you. Is there a way to keep the wind off her face, or does that not bother her? E doesn't care much for it. Could you get PT to help rig it up?

  2. you could try a hemlet used for skateboarding? they are flatter in the back, which would allow her to rest her head, and they come in a variety of colours-meaning you could get a pink one


  3. How fantastic! I love finds like that. They're just meant to be. Enjoy the bike!
