Monday, May 28, 2012

More active exploring

Sophie and I had another session at CNIB this week and she had a great time again.

Sophie has been named the social committee for the program.  Yup, just her.  She is so cute, she has to see EVERY person there before she will concentrate on anything.  So we wheel around the room and say hi to all the other little ones and their moms until Sophie is satisfied that she isn't missing out on anything. :)  She is my social butterfly.

In the photo above Sophie is working very hard to use a switch to activate the rope lights.  She did it very well a couple times!

Sophie was more interested in the little guy at the next station than all of the playthings at this station.  But that's ok!

It has been nice to get some new ideas for Sophie to use while playing at home, I hope next week we will find even more.


  1. That is so cute that she wants to know what is going on before she settles in to play. :) Whether at the stations or her peers it seems she has lots to watch.

  2. I think curiosity if one of Sophie's attributes and aides. Bet she's learning more than is suspected!
