Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving was a beautiful day this year, nice and sunny and fairly warm too.  We had a pretty quiet holiday weekend and went to my mom and dad's on the Monday for dinner. 

Every year for the last few years I have asked for us all to make the trek over to the nearby park and take photos on Thanksgiving day.  The troops weren't overly excited about the idea this year but everyone gave in and off we went.

I really didn't get many photos this year, the kids weren't wanting to pose, we were all pretty hungry by then and the light was cutting the photos into light and dark depending on how tall you were.  But I managed to get one photo of everyone when a kind man walking by asked if he could take a photo of the whole crew for us.

Thank goodness he did because I really didn't get any other photos that worked.

Luckily the highlight of the day was the fabulous dinner and that did not disappoint.  My mom knows how to pull together a great holiday meal and we were all stuffed just like the turkey by the end of the night.


  1. Beautiful fall colours. That is great you were able to get the one family shot, it looks great!

  2. Hi there,
    I've been viewing your blog for a while - big fan. You write really well. I am hoping to be a OT/Speechie/EA/Teacher (probably Teacher) and I like to spend time researching special needs and today I found these on eBay. They're really cheap and it crossed my mind Sophie might like them? Might work with her for CVI? Anyway - I'll leave it for you to decide. Just thought I'd be amiss not to share!
    ~Bella (from Australia)

    1. Hi Bella, Thanks for thinking of us!! Always nice to know that people are actually reading my blog lol! The LED toys you linked are awesome, I hadn't seen either of those before. I think that a lot of us moms of children with special needs get a lot of our ideas for toys from people just like you, with similar interests and ideas. There is a facebook page you may want to check out as well, it is called "Thinking outside the light-box" and they come up with some great ideas too. Thanks again!

  3. Sorry, promise I'm not shopping for your daughter hahaha and I promise this is the last one I will share with you but honestly I am just looking for kids with sensory needs/CVI in general and Sophie's, not the first, but one of the first who comes to mind because I think this is a great blog. This is the blog that introduced me to the HOPSA! (I promise you I'm not a crazy Internet person!)
