Monday, June 27, 2011

Down, but not out.

Today I felt like I was going to implode.  It was like I was watching everything going on from some other space, it couldn't be real.

We had our appointment today and I left feeling devastated.  Driving while sobbing is not the best thing to do, take my word for it.

I feel that I have let Sophie down, that it shouldn't be this hard to let a girl speak what she is thinking.  That all the work we did over the last year has gone unrecognized.  The only saving grace is that she has an OT, SLP and vision specialist that believe in her as much as I do. They were all as shocked as I was when we left the consulation virtually empty handed.

Even though Sophie can't tell me she loves me and that she believes in me, I know she does, which is why I will keep fighting for what she deserves.  She will be ready for school in a year's time even though her next waitlist is over a year.  A year.  I will keep finding blogs and websites and new ideas that will keep allowing her to learn like she wants to.  Thank God we bought the Ipad when we did and I didn't wait for this appt.  They didn't even give us any ideas for the Ipad that we already own, let alone telling us she would be a candidate to use one of theirs if we didn't.  Ugh.

She will have a voice in this world. 
I will not fail her, I guess we are just on a continued journey of proving that she can do it.

I feel like I can't convey anything I want to just yet, I need to get my thoughts together and start tomorrow, a new day.


  1. :( I am so sorry to read this. There's nothing worse than feeling like you're facing a brick wall and no one is doing what you need them to do! You are such an incredible advocate for your sweet girlie. I am positive that you'll be able to find a way to hear her voice one day. I know I can't wait to find out what she's thinking. :) Lots of hugs tonight though.

  2. I'm sorry you had such a rotten appointment. Chin up! Sophie is learning to communicate without them so you don't NEED them!
    I'm free Wednesday or Thursday afternoon if you want to get together for a coffee and chat? If that doesn't work, then no worries.

  3. Sorry to hear the appointment didn't go well. I'm a bit confused on how advanced they want her to get if she can't have the equipment to get there??? The Ipad sounds like it has done so much for her, hopefully you can progress more with that. Is there anyway to get one of the speech apps for her? Or to at least test one out with her (like a trial version)? You are such a great advocate for your two! It really shouldn't be this hard, it always floors me how hard one has to fight for our children when I keep thinking, come on they have xyz...this should at least be easier... HUGS!!

  4. That's too bad about the app't. I know that Sophie has a great mom, and you are doing a great job advocating for her.
