Monday, June 20, 2011

Paris in pictures

June has been a blur.

I am going to try to catch up with my blogging but my intentions may be better than what will actually happen.  Jason attended two conferences this month.  One in France and one in England.  I was home with Lucas and Sophie for the first week and then I joined him abroad for the second week.

These are some of the pics from my first few days in Paris.  I had not been for many years so it was a nice getaway.

More to come...


  1. Great photos of Paris! I'm glad you were able to get away for a week with your hubby! *jealous* ;)

  2. Beautiful pictures, really makes Paris look beautiful. It is nice you had the chance to spend some time with Jason there. :)

  3. Wow! You take such beautiful pictures!

    On a side note: I can't wait for gym and swim...our girls will have a blast!

  4. Beautiful pictures!!! I've never been overseas, but it sure looks nice. ;) Glad you had a good vacation!

    We saw you and Soph today! King had a neuro follow up and we were heading home when you were crossing in front of TVCC to the parking lot. You were deep in convo though, so I didn't want to interrupt. :)


  5. Thanks T!

    Cheri - I can't wait for the girls to go to camp either!! I am so excited for them!

    Jill - You should have yelled hi! We were testing out my strength skills to see if I could get the wheelchair we are going to trial for Sophie in the back of the van lol.

  6. It has been many, many decades since the last time I saw Paris. I LOVE your pictures. Just love' em!
    (Wandered over here from Claire's blog)

  7. It looks beautiful! Lucky you!
