Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Going low tech

A couple weeks ago we received a new low tech augmentative communication system for Sophie to try out.  It is a laminated group of pictures that are symbols representing different words.  They are then put on a velcro strip to allow Sophie to make choices or "talk" by using these symbols.  It's no secret that I have been frustrated in the past by some of our consult meetings about augmentative communication, but now the service is trying something new.  In the past they didn't see the child.  It was not an assessment, you just went and told them stuff and they decided what you should and shouldn't do from there.  Not exactly a great way initiate a form of communication for a child.  So now they are trialing home consults where they actually meet the child and make suggestions from what they see and learn during the visit. 

Here's the shocker ;)  Sophie was totally ready for an AAC system.  I know.  Who would have thought that.  I have only been telling them that for a few years. 

The woman that came to the house was great and really listened to what we said and interacted with Sophie and watched and made some excellent recommendations.  After another meeting or two we received a boardmaker system with symbols on a yellow background that was tailored for her vision needs by her CNIB specialist.

We have been using her Ipad for the last year and it will hopefully continue to be a way for Sophie to learn.  As of yet we don't have the perfect communication app for her, most are too advanced or require too much physical ability.  More and more are coming out in the App store every week, so eventually we will find just the right one.  In the meantime we will work at our low tech communication system and see what Sophie can do. 

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful news that they are finally on board with a communication system. :) Fingers crossed it works out well for Sophie!
