Friday, January 14, 2011

All about the Chiclets

This has been a busy week of nothing.  You know those days where you feel you don't have enough time to do everything that has to be done, and the week buzzes by.  But by Friday you feel like you got nothing accomplished and you have nothing to show for all the time that disappeared so quickly.  That was my week.

However it did seem to involve alot of teeth, or lack thereof.

Lucas lost his 2nd front top tooth this week.  I just missed being able to sing All I want for...   well, you know the rest.  Darn it, I really wanted to do that.  We even tried to pull out that little sucker on Christmas Eve, but it just wouldn't budge.  Oh well, such is life lol.  We have had fun telling him to say certain words that make him whistle or say things that make him talk with this hilarious little lisp.  I am so evil ;)

Then Sophie had her teeth cleaning at the dentist.  This was her second cleaning, she had the first in November.  We are going every six weeks for a little while to try and get the tartar under control.  Because Sophie has a severe oral aversion it is difficult to brush her teeth.  She flails around and purses her lips and whacks your hand out of the way with her arm.  It is pretty awesome because she gets you right where she wants, my nose usually, or my eye.  The precision is incredible for a girl that has no use of her hands or arms in general.  Interesting....!  Quite the diva.  And she doesn't eat orally so that helps in one way, but it also means that she doesn't flush her mouth with water, etc.  So we have been seeing the dental hygenist (who is awesome!) and Sophie has been doing well.  Her first visit we were able to get one tooth cleaned.  Well half of it.  Yup, one part of one tooth.  Then she was at her limit.  She started gagging and threw up.  So we said, o.k., all done.  We didn't want her to aspirate.

This is Sophie at her very first dentist appt.  All they did was count her teeth, she was a little shell-shocked.

 This week we got four teeth cleaned!!!  She was so good.  Well, I almost lost my hearing from her scream (God I feel sorry for any little kids that were in the waiting room about to come in.. yikes).  It was seriously an exorcist moment.  It wasn't a pain scream - I would have stopped the appt. right away, it was an all attitude scream, in the I DON'T LIKE THIS, STOP NOW!!! kind of way. So I started singing to her and she looked at me and she settled.  It distracted her enough that she forgot that she was mad and we made so much progress!  We are hoping that one more appt. will suffice and then we can just go every 6 months or so.


  1. Lucas looks so proud! My DD can not wait to lose those top teeth. She keeps insisting they are loose.
    We've had a few years of tooth brushing drama around here. Once I even brushed an eyeball. Oops.

  2. That is great you're making progress with Sophies teeth. Does the hygenist have a TV you could turn on? She might be more willing to go through it with the Wiggles on TV. ;) Lucas is actually posing for his photos...he must think it is the coolest thing ever. I know L does.
