Saturday, February 19, 2011

Looking forward

Sophie has a friend at her playgroup that happens to have an Ipad,  Kingsley was very kind and brought it for her to try out.  We have never seen one in person so I was so excited when Kingsley's mom offered to bring it so Sophie could have a go. 

Unfortunately Sophie continues to be a people person and was only interested in seeing everyone's reflection in the Ipad or watching them watch her lol.  But I did get to have a chance to hold it up to her and get her hand to touch the screen.  It is so sensitive to touch that I believe it will work awesome for Sophie for play and for communication.  We will have to get some sort of stand for it so that she can see it properly but that will be the only barrier as far as I can tell!  I am convinced this will be a fantastic piece of technology for Sophie.

Thank you so much Jill and Kingsley for giving us the chance to use your Ipad, it was alot of fun!

We had our group meeting with Sophie's therapists and I think it went quite well.  Everyone was onboard with the direction I think we should be going and we brainstormed up so new ideas for Sophie to try. 

We are going to have another Recreational Therapy consult to find something new that Sophie can swim independantly with, she has grown out of her old adapted lifejacket.  We are most likely also going to start swim therapy, yay!  Sophie loves to swim so much and we are going to continue to take her for fun swims, but we are also going to start having therapy in the pool with her therapy assistant.  In addition I have recently signed her up for the Making Waves program which I hope will be a hit.  It is one-on-one swim lessons at the university for children with disabilities and I am hoping that she will get into the fall program.

We are also going to prepare for another consult with Augmentative Communication.  We did this almost 2 years ago and were pretty devastated when they would not even refer her to the program after the consult.  They felt she couldn't do what was needed to use any type of AC.  So we are going to go for it again.  I really feel that just because she can't use her hands doesn't mean she doesn't want to communicate and wouldn't be able to if given the right equipment.  We will see how it goes, wish me luck lol.

We are going to try to find another sitter for Sophie as well, she only has her wheelchair to sit in and nothing else.  Her tumbleform is too small and never had the right straps.  We need to find something else so they are going to look into it for us.

Another appointment at the Special Needs Vision Clinic is also in the works.  It has been about 2 years since we were there last and that was pre-seizures.  So we have alot to talk about and find out if her vision has been affected, we know her eye movements have changed so it will be interesting to see what the Dr. has to say.

We got a nice piece of mail yesterday, Sophie was approved by Easter Seals for funding for her car seat and for half of the bath chair.  Yay!  Easter Seals is a wonderful charity for children with physical disabilities and if you are looking for somewhere to donate I can personally say that they make a huge difference in the lives of the kids they help.


  1. Good news all around! I'm glad you guys were there to check out the iPad! Such amazing things that technology can do. I think Sophie's going to love it when you get one.

    Do you guys ever go swimming at the centre? Once King is healed from this latest surgery we're going to start going to the Saturday family swims... I feel like I've been saying that forever and something always gets in the way.

    Good luck with the AC consult!

  2. Sounds like things are falling into place. That is great news that everyone is on board with your thoughts of how to proceed. I bet she'll love the swim lessons! I know E used to really like the pool at the centre. YEAH Easter Seals!

  3. good luck with the ipad, my son has been using one for several months and it has changed his whole world. We use the handeholder on the back of his and attach it to a switching arm so it is up in front of him. There is also a special needs company that is now selling a adapter plate for the ipad that allows it to be attached to their switch arms. Your daughter is beautiful and I have enjoyed reading your blog.
