Saturday, March 19, 2011


Tomorrow is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day and I have been thinking about what message I want to put out there about my experience with CP and Sophie.  I think that the graphic above includes alot of it. 

Support - without support from our friends, family and community we cannot make it.
Advocate - we have to do this everyday for my girl who does not talk.  We have to let the world know that she matters.
Educate - most people do not know what Cerebral Palsy is or how it affects the people that are diagnosed with it.

Tomorrow is an important day, it means that our family is not alone in this journey, one that has taken us down the path less traveled.


Today I took Riley for a walk back in the woods near our house and I could see and feel a change, a renewal taking place.  The air is still cold, but the creek was running, the birds were singing and the earth was ready to come out of its hibernation.

 This little guy gave me one shot before he flew off in a red streak across the woods.  He was so beautiful.  I wish I had captured him in focus!

 Then, just as I arrived at our front door after our walk, I saw this in the dirt.  This little group had just appeared out of nowhere and it was official, spring is on it's way. 


  1. It's a beautiful, well said message you want to share!

    Lovely photos as well...I sure hope it does mean spring is on its way...I don't think we can handle much more winter at our house.

    I hope you have a great day tomorrow!

  2. Have a great day tomorrow! Sophie is wonderful. I miss her and Lucas very much.

