Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bubble wrap art

Sophie and I were home this afternoon waiting for the ice storm to arrive while the boys were out swimming.  Sophie has been a bit congested the last day or two so we decided we would lay low so that she can rest up before all the chaos that Christmas will bring. 

She was quite happy and seemed excited when I suggested we make some art so I grabbed some stuff and we went to it.  I have done bubble wrap painting with Sophie a few times and she really seems to like it.  The most exciting part of the prep work is pulling the tape pieces, she just loves that noise and squeals with delight.  So needless to say we pull a lot of tape pieces off the roll.

Once the paper is all taped down on her tray I let her choose the colours, she was quite happy with red and green for Christmas today and she chose to use the red first.  Next I have her help me paint the bubble wrap with her large handled paint brushes and then she does the pressing down on the paper once the bubble wrap is loaded with paint.  We got out the brayer too which she loved.  I try to let her do as much as I can by herself.  Sometimes I need to help her arms up on the tray, sometimes I just need to let her know when it is ready to go.

When we had filled the page and I thought she was worn out I started to put the paints away but Sophie kept banging on the paper.  I asked her if she wanted to do another painting and she was all smiles.  So we used some construction paper and this time added some puffy glitter paint.  I helped her roll the bubble wrap to get the paint onto the paper.  Then we went back and added the puffy paint to the original painting and used the brayer again.  We will definitely use the brayer again because she loved it so much.

We hung her paintings up on the wall to dry and we will get them displayed for Christmas.  She was covered in paint when we were all done and was pretty worn out.  I have a whole bunch of holiday craft ideas to do with the kids so I am excited to only have one more day of work before a week off!


  1. I love bubble wrap art! That last picture is so cute!Love the missing tooth!

  2. I am loving the smile made me smile this morning. It warmed me up here in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. You can tell she is enjoying herself

  3. I've never seen bubble wrap art, but it looks really great! Sophie did a wonderful job! She is such a crafty little one. :)

  4. Wow! She looks to me like a very special girl. I love how her face light up in the picture. She looked like she had a lot of fun. Playing with bubble wrap is indeed a nice way to de-stress, but I never knew you can actually incorporate them into art. Good job!

    Clay Delgado
