Thursday, December 5, 2013

Getting ready for Christmas

Over the past few days I have been getting all of the Christmas decorations out and trying to make the house a little more festive than the usual junk pile look.  We were incredibly blessed to be gifted a new to us Christmas tree, it is spectacular and it goes right up to the ceiling.  I can't wait to get it completely decorated but it is well on its way.

This evening Lucas and Sophie wrote their letters to Santa Claus.  I helped Sophie write hers and she loved watching Lucas write his.  I was asking her what kinds of toys she would like and I am becoming more and more certain that Sophie is answering yes questions with a "ya".  She always does it appropriately and it has become more and more regular over the last year.  I think it is one of those things where you don't want to get your hopes up but even her nurses are noticing it.  She was answering "ya" tonight to questions about Lucas too.  He was putting on a show with his nerf gun and she was loving it.

Sophie's top front tooth is just about ready to fall out and we have been on high alert trying to make sure that it doesn't get swallowed or disappear.  Sophie is a bit of a tooth Houdini and wouldn't you know she did it again.  She has swallowed or spit out at some point three of her teeth over the last two years when getting her adult teeth.  She was having some blood in her mouth the last two days but I couldn't see any on the loose tooth area on the top.  I was really puzzled and checked her mouth and wouldn't you know she was missing a bottom tooth!  I didn't even know it was wiggly.  She has three more wiggly teeth but I think that the front one will be first, the new tooth is even pushing it forward quite a bit but that sucker is holding on just to torture me!  I think she is going to have a toothless grin for Christmas though.  Hopefully the tooth fairy is ready to make some repeat visits.

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