Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Christmas Window

Anyone who grew up in my city in the 70's may remember going to Simpson's and seeing the Christmas window displays.  I can remember going with my mom and dad, loving the beautiful scenes behind the glass with a huge anticipation of Christmas and all that came with that holiday.  It has become one of those memories that is in my spirit. What I mean is, I don't really remember what I saw, but I remember being there in the moment.  I can picture these ethereal visions of standing at the windows with the snow coming down and just enjoying every cold breath as we got caught up in the excitement around us.

While we were in Toronto this weekend I was walking by The Bay and noticed that they had just revealed Christmas windows!  The scenes were very cute, I loved the little mice sleeping in matchbooks. Everything lit up and moved.  Here are some of the display on Queen street this weekend.  Sorry for the poor photos, the glare was quite bad from the sun :(

I am really excited for Christmas this year.  It will be the first Christmas living in our new house, so I am looking forward to getting ready to decorate and starting some new traditions with my family.

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures R! We usually bring Isabel and Esme to see the Bay windows at Christmas time too, they love the little mice (they're my favourite part too)!

    Enjoy your first Christmas in your new home!
