Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's just not funny anymore

Well it was never funny, but now we are in the realm of ridiculous.

Sophie has a gastro bug.  We haven't even gone anywhere in a month for her to catch one.  She started with a large emesis on thursday night along with diarrhea (I know, tmi) and then both continued all yesterday.  She didn't have a wet diaper for 15 hours yesterday, and by the time she did it was very small and very dark. So my sister and I took her to the Children's after hours clinic last night.  They said that we should keep her on just pedialyte for the next 12 hours (she normally is tube fed her formula throughout the night) and then today we can trial half formula half pedialyte.  She was happy this morning and had a good night without the formula in her tummy.  We will see what today brings, she is home with her nurse since I am at work this weekend.

I found out today that Sophie shared this with my sister and now she has it too.  Lucas was looking as pale as a ghost last night but he was fine this morning so I think he was spared.

Sophie had a bit of fun playtime in the morning yesterday, we got out her switch adapted mouse again and found some more great online games that are accessible.  Hopefully we will be back at it soon.  I was hoping to get all of our Christmas ornaments out this weekend, I think we really need something to look forward to and Christmas fits the bill perfectly.  I want to do some fun Christmas crafts and I have a few ideas already.  Fingers crossed that we can get back to normal here really soon.


  1. :( I hope she feels better soon.

  2. Oh no! Poor Sophie~ and poor you, I'm sure the mama stress is awful right now! I hope Sophie starts to feel better very soon and that you have a well deserved happy, healthy Christmas!

  3. Oh my gosh, I can't believe Sophie caught a GI bug on top of everything else! Where could she have caught it? I've heard there is a bad one going around, I hope it is short lived for her and that she gets over everything and is able to enjoy a healthy (and relaxing for everyone) Christmas.
