Sunday, December 4, 2011

A new record

Things are not great here. 

I am so sad to be writing another post that talks about Sophie being sick.  We should be past this now, she should be better.  It has now been four weeks since she got sick.  It is breaking my mama heart to see her continue on this way, to keep getting worse.

Since last night Sophie has had 3 seizures, maybe even one more, her nurse wasn't quite sure if one was or not.  I have been there before with Sophie, standing over her, looking at her in her crib saying to myself is it?  No, it can't have been going on this long if it was one, only to see her morph into a full on tonic clonic.  Three seizures in under 24 hours is a record for Sophie, never in the two plus years that she has been dealing with these awful things has she had that many together.  We have always been thankful for that, but knew that that luck could change at any time.  And it has. 

My girl had a really rough time last night through the night, starting with a seizure at 9pm, then another at 1:30am and many bouts of diarrhea.  That continued this morning but she had an alright morning and was happy to see Lucas and daddy return from their trip away.  She isn't yet tolerating full feeds and we are running her pump with pedialyte at half speed.

Through the day her chest was sounding yuckier with each hour, she had more diarrhea and another seizure tonight, a tonic clonic.  She is exhausted.  Her poor little body is worn out and there is nothing I can do but cuddle her and love her.   It isn't enough.  I want my healthy girl back but all we can do is wait it out and it so hard to do.  She has been much sicker than this before, critical many times, but when it is over such a long period of time it is like pulling the bandaid off slowly.  I just want to rip that sucker off and get it over with!


  1. Oh my goodness, not a nice update to read. I'm so sorry that she still isn't better. There's nothing worse as a mama to see your baby so unwell and to know there isn't anything you can do about it. Hugs and prayers for your sweet girl. xx

  2. I'm so sorry Rebecca. I can't imagine watching her suffer like that and feeling so helpless. I wish we could take her pain away.

    Many, many hopes that this comes to an end sooner than later. Huge ((Hugs)) of strength to you and Jason too.

  3. Hi Rebecca and Jason,
    It's Brenda, Nath and Cliff Hay's (Alex's brother)daughter. Your Uncle Peter gave me your blog address a while ago and I have been following. You sure are up to your ears right now aren't you? Prayers are always going in your direction. Sophie and Lucus are so lucky and blessed to have you. Perhaps when things settle down for you at some point in your life, you'll write a book of the lessons that came your way! I know I would read it.
    Till next time.

  4. Oh Rebecca, I'm so sorry to hear how things have been so bad for Sophie! She really needs a break in these illnesses and to get back to her healthy self! I can't believe she's been sick for so long now. Healing vibes and good wishes are being sent her way (and for you as well).
