Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A gift, with love

Sophie got her birthday present a couple days ago.   :)

This was a joint present from us and many relatives and we are so grateful that our girl can have an Ipad to learn with and play on and maybe, one day, communicate with. 

Hoping for great things.

Look at that open hand and great eye contact.  Love it.

The Haircut.

Sophie always gets her hair cut shortly after her birthday,  I have done this with her every year since her 2nd birthday.  I like to have her hair nice and long for all her birthday photos and then we cut it to a short little bob and it grows for another year until it is a matted mess that has to be tamed again.

I often think about what Sophie's hair would look like if she was a typical little girl who was running around and didn't have her hair worn away at the back because it is always rubbing on her wheelchair headrest.   Or if she didn't have her little baldspot from the pressure sore she got in the NICU. 
When her hair is first cut it goes into these beautiful little curls or ringlets and I know she would look so cute with it really long, but I think she is pretty darn cute with it short too.


  1. I was telling Dina yesterday I think she would look super cute with the bob and bangs :) She has such beautiful eyes. Can she wear the fabric headbands, or do they move around too much? I love the thick fabric headbands.
    The second from last photo is hilarious. She is giving some attitude there.

    I heard about her ipad. She is so lucky. It will make great changes for her. I'm sure of it.


  2. What an awesome gift! I hope it works out well for her. Her new haircut is adorable.

  3. YAY!!!! The iPad!! And PeekABoo Barn! I love it.

    That first picture of her haircut is hilarious. I love the little pout. Her hair looks great either way!

  4. That is so cool! It looks like she really enjoys her present. Has she been using it much? The last time we spoke I believe you were just setting it up.

    I thought the same thing as others have mentioned, she is giving you lots of attitude in the first picture of her new haircut, which looks great!

  5. Love it, so happy to see her with the iPad.

  6. What program is she using on the Ipad? We just got Sean one


  7. Hi Denise - that is awesome that you got one for Sean! The one with the barn is Peekaboo Barn, the one with the cat is My First Words - by SmartBabyApps
    Both of these are the free lite versions we are trying out!
